PAT Corporation professionally supplies and exports Derma Cosmetic Products (hair & skin care) from Iran to different destinations and is an icon among the other active groups in this sector.
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vitamin C Benefits

As far as your skin is concerned, vitamin C is "a potent antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals," explains board-certified dermatologists "Because of its antioxidant properties, vitamin C aids in your skin's natural regeneration process, which helps your body repair damaged skin cells." So, in the same way that consuming antioxidant-rich foods aids your body in fighting off free radicals, topical antioxidants do the same for your skin by helping to offset daily aggressors like UV damage and exposure to air pollution. Quick refresher course on antioxidants: They prevent or reduce damage to our cells by neutralizing the production of highly reactive molecules called free radicals. In other...

Types of Psoriasis 2

Types of Psoriasis (Part 2)

Pustular Psoriasis: Pustular psoriasis, characterized by pustules or whiteheads (non-infectious blisters) surrounded by red skin. The pus is made up of white blood cells. It is not an infection and is not contagious. Pustular psoriasis is less common and may occur in different parts of the body but often occurs on the hands and feet. Erythrodermic psoriasis: Erythrodermic psoriasis is a rare type of psoriasis and occurs in 3% of people with psoriasis during their lifetime. Erythrodermic psoriasis is a severe form of the disease and affects more than 75% of the skin surface. It is often associated with skin loss, hair loss, nail dystrophy, and general symptoms such as...

Psoriasis 1

Types of Psoriasis (Part 1)

Psoriasis occurs in different forms with distinct features and has so far been divided into five groups. Knowing the type of psoriasis helps you choose a better treatment. Plaque psoriasis: Plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris) is the most common form of the disease and is seen in more than 80% of patients. With prominent pink or red skin plaques covered with a silvery coating of dead skin, it is marked with distinct borders, in different sizes, and with an almost symmetrical distribution on both sides of the body. These lesions often occur on the elbows, knees, scalp, and to a lesser extent on the back. These plaques are often painful...

Essential ingredients for hair growth 2 (2)

Essential Ingredients For Hair Growth ( Part 2 )

Magnesium: Another mineral that the body needs to function properly is magnesium. Eating magnesium-rich foods such as nuts, salmon and whole grains is one way you can be sure you have given your scalp what it needs to grow strong and healthy hair. Magnesium deficiency has adverse effects such as heart attack, type 2 diabetes, constipation, anxiety, depression and severe fatigue can be related to this mineral. Protein: Although protein is not a vitamin, it is necessary for healthy hair, and this is because the hair structure is actually made of protein. If your protein intake is not enough, your body can not feed the hair follicles and...

Essential ingredients for hair growth 1

Essential ingredients for hair growth (Part 1)

Vitamin E: Commonly overlooked is an antioxidant that repairs and builds hairs. This vitamin is essential for healthy hair growth. Although it is important to eat foods rich in vitamin E such as almonds, seeds, avocados, and broccoli, the presence of vitamin E in topical products is also beneficial. Using this vitamin on the scalp reduces inflammation, increases blood circulation, and helps. Provides oxygen and repairs damaged hair follicles. Massage vitamin E oil on the scalp and hair at least twice a week to stimulate hair growth. To have healthy hair; Mix the contents of two vitamin E capsules with coconut oil. Massage the prepared mixture on your scalp...