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Essential ingredients for hair growth 1

Essential ingredients for hair growth (Part 1)

Vitamin E: Commonly overlooked is an antioxidant that repairs and builds hairs. This vitamin is essential for healthy hair growth. Although it is important to eat foods rich in vitamin E such as almonds, seeds, avocados, and broccoli, the presence of vitamin E in topical products is also beneficial.

Using this vitamin on the scalp reduces inflammation, increases blood circulation, and helps. Provides oxygen and repairs damaged hair follicles. Massage vitamin E oil on the scalp and hair at least twice a week to stimulate hair growth.

To have healthy hair; Mix the contents of two vitamin E capsules with coconut oil. Massage the prepared mixture on your scalp with your finger in a circular motion. Leave it on your head for twenty minutes and then wash your hair.

Vitamin A: Another vitamin that is good for cell growth; Vitamin A. This vitamin also helps produce sebum in the scalp, which prevents hair from drying out and breaking. Foods such as carrots, melons and dark leafy vegetables are rich sources of vitamin A. Some of the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency are skin and vision problems. It is important to know that taking too much vitamin A can have the opposite effect on hair growth.

Iron: Although iron is not a vitamin, it is a mineral that the body needs to function properly. One of the benefits of iron for the body is hair strengthening and stimulating hair growth. According to doctors, iron deficiency causes slow hair growth, thinning and dry hair. A simple blood test can tell if you are iron deficient. Foods such as meat, spinach and oysters are rich sources of iron.

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